As we prepare to say goodbye to 2015 and ring in 2016, we, inevitably, start thinking of ways to improve our lives in the coming year. Many of us make resolutions to lose weight, exercise more, save money, or learn a new skill. This year, it’s time to make another resolution- for your home. The living environment you create can either motivate you to work towards your goals or tempt you to fall off the wagon. Follow these tips below to create a New Year’s Resolution for your home and, just maybe, 2016 will be the year you finally be the year you learn to speak a new language, go on a family vacation, or stick to a new workout regimen!
Eliminate your Junk Drawer
Everyone has a junk drawer (sad to say I have two!), and while it may act as a security blanket, our junk drawers are making our homes less functional. Resolve to clean out your junk drawers once and for all and designate your newly acquired space for specific items you use on a daily basis (but often find yourself searching for), such as kitchen utensils, notepads, or writing instruments. A more organized home leaves you with more time to focus on your other goals for the year ahead!

Take an inventory of your closet

Go through your closet and remove items you no longer use or wear. Donate them or give them to a friend or family member. This will create space for new items that you’ll want to be able to access easily. If you really can’t bring yourself to part with your 30-year-old bell bottoms, try storing them in vacuum seal bags to maximize your closet space.

Save Energy

This one may sound near impossible with the unpredictable weather we’ve been having, but making an effort to save energy may help you achieve other goals, such as saving money. So, make every effort to only do full loads of laundry and fill your dish washer to the brim before pushing start.

Dabble in the Culinary Arts

Learning how to cook is a great New Year’s resolution in itself, but it can also help you stick with other resolutions you may have in mind for 2016. Learning how to cook and preparing meals at home will enable you to save money, eat healthier, and spend more time with friends and family (because now that you can make more than popcorn you can host those dinner parties you’ve always talked about!)
Be the Host (or hostess) with Most
Many people refrain from having company because they are worried their home isn’t clean enough, or modern enough. However, hosting parties or simply having friends over for drinks and/or dinner will force you to keep your home organized. In addition, if you have decided that you’d like to try and save money this coming year, at night home is a lot cheaper than a night out at your local watering hole.

Stay out of your own way

Finally, as you make your resolutions this year, find ways to help yourself along, rather than hold yourself back. If, for example, you want to cook more, get yourself some new knives or kitchen tools. If you want to lose weight or exercise more, clear out some space in your closet and make your work-out attire accessible. Small changes you make in your home can make all the difference in helping you reach your goals in 2016!