Changing up the flooring in your home might seem like just another hip new trend, but there are many good reasons why. Aside from the aesthetic improvement over carpeting, here’s why you should update your home flooring.

There Are Health Benefits

Carpets have the incredible ability to hold four times their weight in dirt. Dust, hair, dirt, and bacteria all hide within the fibers of your carpet, even now. If you have pets, your carpet is hiding even more. Switching over to hardwood flooring is the best way to get those allergens out of your house and give your nostrils a much-needed break.

It Increases Your Home Value

The National Association of Realtors found that 54 percent of buyers were willing to pay more for houses that featured hardwood flooring, according to a 2013 study. Even you’re not planning to sell your home for a good long while, update your floors now so that you can enjoy them—and the boost to your home’s value.

It Saves Time

It is possible to sanitize a carpet, but it requires much more time and energy than it takes to clean hardwood. To get a carpet truly clean, you need a vacuum and a carpet cleaning machine. Even then, you’ll be stuck with a soggy carpet for a while until it dries.

Hardwood cleans quickly and easily, and it is also much easier to see when hardwood even needs cleaning. No longer shall your food crumbs simply disappear when they drop into your carpet!

It Costs Less Than You Think

The biggest factor that holds people back from updating their flooring is their expectations of the cost. Most of those people haven’t looked into the actual cost of reflooring their home because it’s a far less expensive process than you might think.

All these reasons you should update your home flooring are great, but what it all comes down to is this: would it make you happier? Think about how you’ll feel walking into your house and seeing rich, warm wood looking back at you instead of a carpet that smells vaguely like a wet dog. Please do yourself a favor; you deserve it!