Biotekt Building a Green Future
Biotekt strives to create sustainability through smart living systems made using bio-architecture. Biotekt uses a modular construction system to design earth contact structures that are designed to be covered with earth and vegetation. This method combines the environment and humanity to improve sustainability while also reducing its visible footprint on the planet.
About these structures:
- Easy and fast to assemble and maintain
- Will pay for themselves in energy savings
- Made from recycled materials that will last for centuries
- Beautiful and comfortable to live in.
Biotekt offers two distinct products, the ECOSPHERE and the OASIS. Both products are constructed using very strong, insulated, composite shells formed in a variety of shapes. Each of which can be combined to satisfy a wide array of floor plans. These shells, allow the roofs be domed and vaulted and also allow for straight walls. The difference between the two structures is that the ECOSPHERE is designed to be covered with earth and plants and the OASIS structure is designed to be covered with stabilized sand and a mixture of local materials. The Biotekt design systems are modular and can be easily adapted to fit your needs. There is a wide variety of designs to choose from or Biotekt can create a custom design to better suit your building requests or requirements.
Biotekt takes pride in being an extremely green company. Impressively so, each Biotekt building recycles about 15 bottles per square foot. So that a 1000 square foot house will recycle about 15,000 bottles. The materials being used to build the structures are FDA approved for storage of food and water. If that isn’t enough, these materials are just as safe and use the same standard for materials as those used in environments that have to be 100% sterile and stable such as hospitals and laboratories. Each building provides sustainability in the categories of energy efficiency, durability, recycled content, and in their use of locally sourced materials.