modern-living-room-furniture-nice-layoutA few weeks ago, I wrote a post which discussed various types of home décor and what I like to call your “home decorating personality.” I presented you with a taste of the modern, classic traditional, classic elegant, and rustic decorating styles. When you’re tasked with actually decorating a home, or even just a single room, it can be difficult to express your style and create the perfect look. This post is a deeper dive into modern home décor.
Despite what you may have been told, modern décor does not necessarily mean Ikea. Another thought that may come to mind when you hear “modern home décor” is chrome finishing. I’m not saying that you can’t furnish your home with pieces from Ikea or that you shouldn’t install a chrome kitchen. The point is that the first things that should come to mind when you think “modern” are simplicity and functionality.
Let’s take the living room as an example. After all, it’s often the room where you spend a great deal of time with your family or entertaining friends. The easiest place to start would be with the couch/sofa- it’s usually the focal point of the room. You’ll want to pick a couch or sofa in a neutral color, such as white, beige, grey, or tan that you can dress up with a few colored or patterned throw pillows (you want to refrain from adding too many throw pillows to avoid creating clutter). You’ll also want to make sure that the couch/sofa you select is angular rather than curved. Angles give the room a structured feeling that is important in modern home decorating.
When it comes to the coffee table, a square or rectangular table will be the best compliment to your structured sofa. Glass coffee tables are neutral and often work well in modern living rooms. Try to keep the top of the coffee table as clean as possible, but feel free to top it with a coffee table book or plant to add a personal touch.
Wall hangings are an important finishing touch that often ties a room together and solidifies a theme. When creating a modern space; however, it’s important to avoid hanging too many things on the wall. You may hang some prints or geometric artwork over the fireplace or behind the sofa (depending on how the room is set up) and leave the rest of the walls bare to foster a feeling of openness.
When it comes to window treatments, many people choose to leave their windows bare, which will allow natural light to pass into the room. If you do want to use curtains, choose a light fabric that won’t take up too much space and add clutter. You can also use structured, solid colored panels that tie in with your throw pillows or other accents in the room.
When you’re decorating your home (in particular your living room) in the modern style, the key things to remember are that furnishings should be simple, neutral, and functional. When selecting furniture, angles are friends and you should make every effort to avoid placing too many throw pillows on your couch or too many knick-knacks on your coffee table. When it comes to modern home décor, less is definitely more.