Soderbergh Ring Chair $3,175

BedJet 3 Dual Zone Climate Comfort Systems for Couples $900

A better sleep for couples with dual zone cooling and heating in a small sleek package. BedJet 3 also features an advanced color screen remote control and is SmartHome connectivity enabled.
Grovemade Desk Shelve System $400

A stylish look for her home or on the go office. Desk Shelf System brings clarity and intention to your workspace. It gives you global control of clutter, and a place for everything you need to work, from No. 2 pencils to dual monitors.
Terra-Core $200

It’s a Stepper. It’s a Bench. It’s the best surface ever devised for crunches; and your pushups will never be the same. It’s an air-filled, core building, multifaceted balance machine. It’s the most versatile piece of home exercise equipment ever developed.