Technologies and Trends
Here are some of the coolest, most innovative home improvement products out there. From solar shutter to new roofing materials, these new innovations will make your home up to date and more eco-friendly and will help you save money too!
Solar Shutters
These multi-purpose solar shutters is a great way to save on energy while also being environmentally friendly. The photovoltaic panels feed energy into a small inverter that plugs directly into an outlet, that will give you the power you need to run some appliances in your house such as TVs, computers and small appliances.
Laminate Countertop
Yes, that kitchen island is covered in a laminate — not real stone. The high-end, lifelike look of granite, marble or petrified wood is becoming more readily available and is still very affordable to spruce up your home a little more.
LED Lighting
LED lighting is finally becoming more affordable than it used to be. This is helping this eco-friendly, energy efficient technology become more mainstream. LED lighting is now available in ventilation fans, in-cabinet light strips and high-end fixtures. Not to mention, these bulbs last longer than compact fluorescents, are mercury-free and stay cool to the touch.
Solar Hot-Water Heater
As you probably already know, traditional hot-water heaters can take up the bulk of your utility bill. Solar hot-water heaters are bound to grow in popularity because they can easily save you money. Solar-heated water tanks provide the equivalent to a standard water heater, but if needed, electric, natural gas or propane backup systems are available.
A 50-Year Roof
In a world where everything is becoming disposable, it’s nice to see a product that is increasing its lifespan through technology. New roofing tiles are being made from composite materials, polymer plastics and even recycled rubber tires (pictured are polymer). They look like traditional cedar shake and slate roof tiles, but they’ll last a whole lot longer, which will save you a ton of money in the long run.
Picture source: pinterest